
On the Monday evening of the 15th April 2013 Neil Fletcher, Philip Hussey and Peter Davis setup two moth traps on Naphill Common down by the Clumps.
It is important to stress that no harm was done to any of the moths trapped. After being identified the moths were released back into the wild.
This was the first of many such trapping sessions to act as a survey of moths on Naphill Common over a year. A list of species found will appear on this page of our website and will be updated after each survey.

Subsequent moth trapping evenings have taken place adding greatly to the numbers of different species of moth found on Naphill Common
It difficult to advertise these trapping sessions because they have to be arranged very close to the time so that we know that the weather conditions will be just right.
List of Moths found on Naphill Common
Vernacular | Taxon | Date | |
Yellow Horned | Achlya flavicornis | 2013 | |
a micro-moth | Acleris literana | 2013 | |
a micro-moth | Acrobasis consociella | 2013 | |
Miller | Acronicta leporina | photo | 2013 |
Poplar Grey | Acronicta megacephala | 2013 | |
Knot Grass | Acronicta rumicis | photo | 2013 |
a micro-moth | Agonopterix heracliana | 2013 | |
a micro-moth | Agriphila straminella | 2013 | |
a micro-moth | Agripila tristella | 2013 | |
Heart and Dart | Agrotis exclamationis | 2013 | |
Mottled Beauty | Alcis repandata | photo | 2013 |
Copper Underwing | Amphipyra pyramidea | 2013 | |
Large Nutmeg | Apamea anceps | 2013 | |
Clouded-bordered Brindle | Apamea crenata | 2013 | |
Light Arches | Apamea lithoxylaea | 2013 | |
Dark Arches | Apamea monoglypha | 2013 | |
Slender Brindle | Apamea seolopaeina | photo | 2013 |
Tomothy Tortrix | Aphelia paleana | 2013 | |
a micro-moth | Apotomis turbidana | 2013 | |
a micro-moth | Argyresthia brockeella | 2013 | |
Red-necked Footman | Atolmis rubricollis | photo | 2013 |
Silver Y | Autographa gamma | photo | 2013 |
Beautiful Golden Y | Autographa pulchrina | photo | 2013 |
Peppered Moth | Biston betularia | photo | 2013 |
Oak Beauty | Biston strataria | 2013 | |
Common White Wave | Cabera pusaria | 2013 | |
Pale Tussock | Calliteara pudibunda | photo | 2012 |
Light Emerald | Campaea margaritata | photo | 2013 |
Horse-chestnut Leafminer | Cameraria ohridella | 2013 | |
a micro-moth | Carcina quercana | 2013 | |
a micro-moth | Celypha lacunana | 2013 | |
Red-green Carpet | Chloroclysta siterata | photo | 2013 |
Common Marbled Carpet | Chloroclysta truncata | 2013 | |
V-Pug | Chloroclystis v-ata | 2013 | |
Garden Grass-veneer | Chrysoteuchia culmella | 2013 | |
Nut-tree Tussock | Colocasia coryli | photo | 2013 |
Green Carpet | Colostygia pectinataria | photo | 2013 |
Chestnut | Conistra vaccinii | 2013 | |
Dun-bar | Cosmia trapezina | photo | 2013 |
Purple Bar | Cosmorhoe ocellata | photo | 2013 |
Mocha | Cyclophora annularia Nationally Scarce Notable B (Nb) species |
2013 | |
Clay Triple-lines | Cyclophora linearia | photo | 2013 |
Codling moth | Cydia pomonella | 2013 | |
a micro-moth | Cydia splendana | 2013 | |
Satin Beauty | Deileptenia ribeata | photo | 2013 |
Elephant Hawk-moth | Deilephila elpenor | photo | 2013 |
Purple Clay | Diarsia brunnea | 2013 | |
Red-barred Tortix | Ditula angustiorana | 2013 | |
a micro-moth | Diurnea fagella | photo | 2013 |
Lunar Marbled Brown | Drymonia ruficornis | photo | 2013 |
Small Phoenix | Ecliptopera silaceata | photo | 2013 |
Engrailed | Ectropis bistortata | photo | 2013 |
Buff Footman | Eilema depressa | photo | 2013 |
Dingy Footman | Eilema griseola | photo photo |
2013 |
Common Footman | Eilema lurideola | 2013 | |
Orange Footman | Eilema sororcula | 2013 | |
September Thorn | Ennomos erosaria | 2013 | |
August Thorn | Ennomos quercinaria | photo | 2013 |
Bramble Shoot Moth | Epiblema uddmanniana | 2013 | |
Common Carpet | Epirrhoe alternata | photo | 2013 |
Brindled Pug | Eupithecia abbreviata | 2013 | |
Foxglove Pug | Eupithecia pulchellata | photo | 2013 |
Small Angle Shades | Euplexia lucipara | 2013 | |
Garden Pebble | Evergestis forficalis | 2013 | |
Map-winged Swift | Hepialus fusconebulosa | photo | 2013 |
Orange Swift | Hepialus sylvina | photo | 2013 |
Small Yellow Wave | Hydrelia flammeolaria | photo | 2013 |
July Highflyer | Hydriomena furcata | photo | 2013 |
Pine Hawk-moth | Hyloicus pinastri | photo | 2013 |
Snout | Hypena proboscidalis | 2013 | |
Riband Wave | Idaea aversata | photo | 2013 |
Small Fan-footed Wave | Idaea biselata | photo | 2013 |
Bright-line Brown-eye | Lacanobia oleracea | 2013 | |
Beautiful Hook-tip | Laspeyria flexula | 2013 | |
a harvestman | Leiobunum rotundum | 2013 | |
Clouded Border | Lomaspilis marginata | photo | 2013 |
Black Arches | Lymantria monacha | photo | 2013 |
Common Cockchafer | Melolontha melolontha | 2013 | |
Waved Umber | Menophra abruptaria | photo | 2013 |
Common Rustic agg. | Mesapamea secalis agg. | 2013 | |
Lesser Yellow Underwing | Noctua comes | photo | 2013 |
Lesser Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing | Noctua janthe | 2013 | |
Large Yellow Underwing | Noctua pronuba | 2013 | |
Least Black Arches | Nola confusalis | photo | 2013 |
Iron Prominent | Notodonta dromedarius | 2013 | |
Flame Shoulder | Ochropleura plecta | 2013 | |
Middle-barred Minor | Oligia fasciuncula | 2013 | |
Brimsatone Moth | Opisthograptis luteolata | photo | 2013 |
Common Quaker | Orthosia cerasi | photo | 2013 |
Small Quaker | Orthosia cruda | photo | 2013 |
Hebrew Character | Orthosia gothica | photo | 2013 |
Clouded Drab | Orthosia incerta | photo | 2013 |
Barred Fruit-tree Tortrix | Pandemis cerasana | 2013 | |
Chequered Fruit-tree Torix | Pandemis corylana | photo | 2013 |
Dark Fruit-tree Tortrix | Pandemis heparana | 2013 | |
Brindled White-spot | Parectropis similaria | 2013 | |
Willow Beauty | Peribatodes rhomoidaria | photo | 2013 |
Small Rivulet | Perizoma alchemillata | 2013 | |
Lesser Swallow Prominent | Pheosia gnoma | photo | 2013 |
Angle Shades | Phlogophora meticulosa | photo | 2013 |
a micro-moth | Phycita roborella | photo | 2013 |
Scorched Wing | Plagodis dolabraria | photo | 2013 |
Mother of Pearl | Pleuroptya ruralis | photo | 2013 |
Marbled White Spot | Protodeltote pygarga | 2013 | |
Green Silver-lines | Pseudoips prasinana | photo | 2013 |
Coxcomb Prominent | Ptilodon capucina | photo | 2013 |
Diamond-back Moth | Plutella xylostella | 2013 | |
a micro-moth | Scoparia ambigualis | 2013 | |
Early Thorn | Selenia dentaria | 2013 | |
Purple Thorn | Selenia tetralunaria | photo | 2013 |
Brown Chafer | Serica brunnea | 2013 | |
Buff Ermine | Spilosoma luteum | photo | 2013 |
Lobster Moth | Stauropus fagi | photo | 2013 |
a micro-moth | Strophedra weirana | 2013 | |
a micro-moth | Syndemis musculana | 2013 | |
Peach Blossom | Thyatira batis | photo | 2013 |
Green Oak Tortrix | Tortrix viridana | 2013 | |
a micro-moth | Udea olivalis | 2013 | |
a micro-moth | Udea prunalis | 2013 | |
Oak Hook-tip | Watsonalla binaria | 2013 | |
Barred Hook-tip | Watsonalla cultraria | photo | 2013 |
Red Twin-spot Carpet | Xanthorhoe spadicearia | photo | 2013 |
Square-spot Rustic | Xestia xanthographa | 2013 | |
Small Fan-foot | Zanclognatha tarsipennalis | photo | 2013 |
One of the objectives of the Friend of Naphill Common is to carry out surveys on animal and plant life found on the Common.
This could be carried out by a mixture of professional bodies or individuals and members of Friends of Naphill Common who have either an interest or just happen to see something on the Common.
If you have any information or can help in any way please do not hesitate to contact Trevor Hussey (see contact us)