HAG - History and Archaeology Group
The History and Archaeology Group was set up by the Friends of Naphill Common on 10th May 2011 specifically to explore the Common, the archives and the memories of villagers to further the understanding of the history of Naphill Common. The group (known affectionately as “HAG”) reports back to the committee of FoNC. A wide range of possible projects have been identified and in time we hope to tackle all of them. We are starting with two lead projects as follows:
Archaeology − visual “big picture” survey of the Common to identify all the features worthy of investigation to help assign the correct priorities. This will be done by walking over the Common during several evenings.
History − establish a time−line for the Common, charting its changing area and shape and its varying usages through the ages. This can be published on the FoNC web site and added to as more information is uncovered.