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Naphill is a very fortunate village. It has one of the largest and best commons in the Chilterns: 155 acres (63 hectares) of woodland, paths, bridleways and open glades - all available for our use. The Common has ancient trees, woodland birds, deer, ponds with rare plants, rare fungi, a Romano-British farmstead, ancient banks and ditches, a long history and much more. It is part of the Chiltern Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and a site of Special Scientific Interest, Grade 1.

The 'Friends of Naphill Common' group aims to help conserve the Common and make it more accessible to the public. We organize walks, talks and various events; research the history of the Common; explore its archaeology; study its flora and fauna, and just enjoy its riches.

To achieve this, the Common needs friends. If you would like to be a friend of Naphill Common please join the group. The subscription is only £10 per person (£2 for under 18's) per year. For this you can do as much as you like. The more friends the Common has the more we can do and the more we can enjoy our fine Common.

Please contact our Membership Secretary (see Contact Us)

We are on Twitter @naphillcommon Twitter

TREE FELLING on Naphill Common Phase 3 (2021/2022) click here for more information

INFORMATION BOARDS - refurbishing - click here for more information and here for photographs

The ride on mower that the Friends of Naphill Common working party use to cut the grass on Naphill Common has a major fault and unfortunately we are unable to obtain the necessary part due to the fact that our machine is so old. Does anyone have a ride on mower or a motorised flail they no longer use that we could acquire either as a donation or for payment?
We are anxious to continue our voluntary work on the common but need the mower to do the job.
Any help you can give will be greatly appreciated.
Please contact Ron Collins if you are able to help.
Tel. 01494 562240
Mob. 07748 255023
Email. ron13collins@gmail.com